- Go to www.virtusonline.org
- On the left hand side, click "First Time Registrant"
- Click "Begin the registration process"
- Select "Hartford, CT" from the drop down menu.
- On the next page, click "NO" when it asks if you've registered before
- Create Username and Password on next page
- Fill in information on the next page
- Select the parish/school where you wil be volunteering/employed from the drop down menu, select your role, and enter your Title/Function down at thebottom
- On the next page, add another location fi you are at multiple parishes/schools. Ifnot, select "NO"
- Answer the questions on the next page
- On the next page, click "NO" when it asks fi you've previously attended a session
- Select which online training to complete (English or Spanish)
- Please complete the training in one sitting without trying to jump ahead. it takes about an hour and a half. If you try to fast forward and "skip" thevideos, it will mark you as not completing the training and you will have to register al over again. fI you begin the training but then log off, you wil also have to register al over again.
- If training is not completed within 90 days of registration, your account will be automatically deleted and you will have to go through the registration and training process from the beginning.
If you have any issues registering or questions, please contact:
Kathleen D. Nowosadko - kathleen.nowosadko@aohct.org
Ginamarie Garabedian - ginamarie.garabedian@aohct.org
(860) 541-6491