Breakfast with Santa | Dec 4

December 4, 2022 - December 4, 2022

7:30 am - 11:30 am

St. Mary’s School annual BREAKFAST WITH SANTA is Sunday, December 4th from 7:30 am until 11:30 am.  This is a fun and festive way to kick off the holiday season!

Please join us for a delicious pancake and sausage breakfast with coffee, tea, hot chocolate and juice.

As always, Santa will be there and available for photos or for sharing your Christmas wish list.  Keepsake photos with frame will be available for purchase.

Admission at the door is $8.00 per person (age 3 and up).  Children under 3 are admitted free.  Now is the time to take advantage of the discounted advance admission price of $7.00 per person (age 3 and up).  Please fill out the form below, PLEASE PRINT LEGIBLY, and return it with payment to Alison Forget c/o Jadyn Forget grade 6 room 206.  Please make checks payable to St. Mary’s HSA. 

Note: We will not be issuing paper tickets.  Upon receipt of payment, your name will be put on a list that will be at the door when you check in that morning.  If you provide your email address, you will also receive a confirmation email that your pre-payment was received.  Providing an email is recommended to avoid confusion at the door.


Tree Raffles

Back by popular demand! Breakfast with Santa is happening! Sunday December 4 from 7:30am-11:30am. We will once again have our Christmas tree raffle, using the advanced ticket sales introduced previously. Please see below for more details.

This year we will offer 9 Christmas trees, all with different prizes. We are asking our families to sell raffle chances to friends and family. To ensure everyone’s safety no raffle tickets will be handed out for you to fill in and deposit for the prize you would like to win. Instead, we are sending a form with this letter with space for you to indicate the name of the person purchasing tickets, which trees they want to take a chance on and the total spent. Your Holiday Elves will fill out the tickets and put them in their proper collection container.

Raffle tickets are $1 each or 6 tickets for $5. The drawing will take place on Sunday December 4th.

Families will receive development credit for 50% of their ticket sales.

The top seller will receive a $100 VISA card!

See accompanying flyer for prize descriptions.

Please contact Alison Forge’t with questions or concerns. 203-901-0061

Kindergarten Tree…Eating Around the World…gift cards for local restaurants

First Grade Tree…Adventure/Activity…Bowling, Bounce Town, Urban Air

Second Grade Tree…Gift cards to downtown Milford Businesses

Third Grade Tree… Target

Fourth Grade Tree…CASH!

Fifth Grade Tree… Grocery Cards

Sixth Grade Tree… IKEA gift card

Seventh Grade Tree… Sweet Treats…gift cards for local treats

Eighth Grade Tree…LOTTO!
