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Polina Mann


Ms. Mann has been working in the Catholic Archdiocese as a teacher for five years, but has eleven years of overall experience working as a music teacher. She has taught general and choral music, as well as directed, accompanied, staged and helped out with various theatrical productions. In addition to this, she loves to create her own lesson plans. Ms. Mann has a Teachers-Pay-Teachers store called, "Creating Musical Literature", where she sells music lesson plans geared towards specific books, many of which she uses in her own teaching.

She is also an active performer, and has served as a church organist, pianist, accompanist and music director, in three different parishes since 2015. She has earned both the Service Playing Certificate and the Colleague AGO Certificate through the American Guild of Organists. 

She is a graduate of Wesleyan University, Hartt School of Music, and Central Connecticut State University. In her spare time she loves to dance, eat sushi, read, and walk on the beach.
