It’s that time of year….Mark your Calendars….the 49th Annual St. Mary Basketball Tournament will be February 21st– March 9th, 2024. We are gearing up for another exciting Tournament and we can’t wait!
Sponsors – we are looking for Tournament Sponsors. If you or a family member have a business or if you know of a business that is interested in Sponsoring our Tournament, please let us know. St. Mary's families will receive one half of the sponsorship amount towards their fundraising requirement. Our levels of Sponsorship are as follows:
Tournament Sponsor: cost $1,500. Includes top billing in our program book, and on our t-shirt, your banner prominently displayed in our gym and rotation of your ad on our website.
Championship Sponsor: cost $1,000. Includes premier billing in our program book, t-shirts, your sign prominently displayed in our gym, considerable billing in our program book and rotation of your ad on our website.
Fast Break Sponsor: cost $500. Includes placement on our t-shirt and considerable billing in our program book & your sign displayed in our gym and rotation of your ad on our website.
Free Throw Sponsor: cost $250. Includes billing in our program book, your sign displayed in our gym and your ad displayed on our website.
Free Family pass included for admission during the tournament for all of our sponsorship levels. So as a sponsor you and your family will not have to pay admission to the Tournament. All sponsors and their logos will be featured on the banner in the entryway of the school for the duration of the Tournament.
Volunteers - We are always looking for Volunteers. We need people to help hang banners and decorate the gym on February 20th and we need people to work at the Tournament in the lobby, the gym and the kitchen during the games. The Tournament games run 5:00 PM -8:00 PM during the week and 8:00 AM - 8:00 PM on the weekends. Be on the lookout for a sign up genius to volunteer!
T-shirts - We will be taking orders soon for the St. Mary's Tournament t-shirts, sweatshirts and other merch! Be on the lookout for the order form!
We are soliciting Ads for the St. Mary Basketball Tournament Ad Book. The Tournament will run from February 21st – March 9th, 2025.
We welcome Ads from businesses, parents, grandparents, siblings, aunts, uncles, classes, teachers, teams, anyone who wants to wish a player or team good luck! If you or a family member would like to place an ad or you have or know of a business that would like to place an ad, please use the QR code below to submit.
The Ad prices are:
Quarter page Ad - $25.00
Half page Ad - $50.00
Full page Ad - $100.00
Once you upload your ad to the site attached to the QR code, send in a check for your ad made payable to St. Mary School. Please put in an envelope marked “Basketball Tournament Ad Book”
Each family will receive one half of the amount of all the ads they bring in towards their fundraising requirement. There will also be a prize given out to the student that brings in the most Ads!
If you are a sponsor of our Tournament at any level, $250, $500, $1000 or $1500 you will receive a free Ad in the Ad Book.
Any questions or need more information, please contact our Tournament chairs:
Caroline Baird, 203-231-0303 or
Liz Shea, 203-306-9041 or